Ok Stereo Photographers, time to represent! Here's some California slang with a twist. The message roughly translates to, "Greetings Fellow Stereo Enthusiast", but who has time for that mouthful! Outsiders may scratch their heads, but folks in the stereo community will immediately recognize you as One of Us.
Each 1.25" glass pendant starts as a piece of ivory colored glass stacked on a clear piece then in the red hot kiln they go until the glass goes molten and puddles up. The image itself is actually made of fine iron particles and burned into the glass on a second trip through the kiln.
The included 19" twisted silk cord has a knot and loop closure and can be swapped out with a 21" cord by request in the notes section on our order page or by email. The gift box includes a card describing the Iron Particle Fuse process.
Sold Out - $26.00 $28.00
For years now I have been toting an odd assortment of stereographic instruments up and down the Great Gully trail and now it is all coming together in book form,...
$26.00 $28.00
Come along as I photograph Santa Paula, its land marks and scenic vistas from street level to aerial. All in full 3D using a 160 year old photographic technique. What...
Sold Out - $24.00 $26.00
The Newest addition to the Finger Lakes collection! Cayuga Lake Experience features 24 full color, high resolution images that are near and dear to the hearts of anyone who...